SPICS VASC – Secure Platform for Integrating Clinical Services for Vascular Surgery
The SPICS VASC platform has been developed by RISE Company (Research Industrial Systems IT Engineering) in close collaboration of the Vienna University of Technology (Research Group Industrial Software, lead Univ. Prof. DI Dr. Thomas Grechenig) and the Austrian Society for Vascular Surgery under the lead of the specialist Prim. Dr. Hold. The product has been tested extensively with physicians to ensure that the needs of a platform "by doctors for doctors” are satisfied.
SPICS VASC is a web based documentation platform to record treatment data for the quality assurance of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) and the intervention of the extra cranial carotid artery (CA). SPICS VASC allows a standardized documentation of treatment cases, thus providing unification in semi-automated means for the evaluation and comparison of treatment data.
The greatest focus during the design and the development of the platform was set on a secure implementation according to the current status of software engineering taking into account the Austrian as well as the European data protection regulations.